It’s clearly they are happy to say anything, even at the expense of their own pride, to get to govern and stay in their jobs. They somewhat lied to get into government. Reeves talked down on the economy so she can raise the tax, at the same time she gave unions a big pay rises. 3 months later, her job is in danger, UK have gone from having a gloom future to a bright and growing economy. What about Peter Mandleson, who hated Trump and have said many bad things about him. Now to make sure Trump signs off his us ambassador job, he now said he was wrong and we’re ill informed. No, Mandleson. You were right and you are an idiot to back track for the sake of a job. Where’s your integrity. Recent Tory governments not much better but it’s embarrassing.
Nothing has changed all crooks and cheats
posted by DMK (Guest) - Wednesday 29th January 2025, 4:13 PM
They become politicians because they would never have made it in business They don’t care about the country or the people , they only care about getting re elected so everything they do is for the short term rather than the long term good . They are not just crooks and cheats they are also spineless idiots and liars .
posted by Brain Doctor (Guest) - Wednesday 29th January 2025, 4:53 PM
Don’t worry Reform will be in power soon
posted by Chief (Guest) - Wednesday 29th January 2025, 5:09 PM
I don't usually get involved in political arguments, but surely everyone, even Labour voters, and there must be a few left somewhere, know that this is by far, the worst PM, and Chancellor in our history. Starmer couldn't lead a dog, and the account clerk Reeves just hasn't a clue. She robbed our poor pensioners of the fuel allowance, and then takes their taxes to furnish her own fuel bills. What a hateful woman.
posted by Brian from West Sussex (Guest) - Wednesday 29th January 2025, 8:44 PM
Worst PM ? Bodger Johnson by a country kilometre!
posted by Bob (Guest) - Wednesday 29th January 2025, 10:10 PM
Johnson was Einstein, when compared with brainless Starmer.
posted by Brian from West Sussex (Guest) - Wednesday 29th January 2025, 10:35 PM
Now that's funny Brian
posted by Bob (Guest) - Wednesday 29th January 2025, 10:56 PM
Third runway will sort everything. Just what is needed. Bring ‘em in even faster. Can’t have enough diversity. It’s our strength. I remember London when it was a lawless, violent, dirty sh*thole, covered in potholes. Look at it now, paradise. Well done, parliament.
posted by Paddy O’Doors (Guest) - Wednesday 29th January 2025, 11:17 PM
That runway will take ten years to build and i doubt that Starmer and Rachel from customer services will be in charge going into another election. Is it about five years to okay planning and the rest? Labour tends to do things or rush things according to ratings and the public moods. Starmer was against a third runway before he was prime minister and the run-way is a deflection from current priority things that need addressing now such as immigration, counsel taxes increasing, every other tax insurance pensions nothing is going their way fast enough, they need a big headline
stunt and the run-way is their big gamble. The Chinese guy who came up with that 4 million pound gaming box of tricks that ruffled the markets knows a lot more about fiscal rules and all that jazz more than Rachel from customer services and thats the problem. Reeves dedicated all her time so far in power jittering the markets with her negativity about Britain and now a touch late she is trying to turn things around by saying how wonderful and talented we all are. Would like to say that the Chinese are playing with fire and no matter how clever to you think you are, things come crashing down. They can potentially crash their own economies playing this cat and mouse game with the US. Starmer should concentrate with the here and now and i would start on getting who are still stuck in a rut with nothing to do back to work asap, big dreams of run-ways and homes built on greenbelt land where posh people live can wait because they take up time and i don't think this Labour lot will get the time unless we buy into their fairy-tales beyond 5 years...
posted by OWEN - Thursday 30th January 2025, 5:29 AM
All this incompetence and lack of integrity by our so-called leaders is, rightly or wrongly, playing into the hands of Reform. It's going to be a very interesting next few years.
posted by John Flory (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 6:52 AM
All down to the good ol Tories Paddy !
posted by Bob (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 7:22 AM
I agree with Owen, what is the point of Rachel from accounts trying to kid herself into thinking that this Liebour mob, will still be in government in 5 years time, let alone 10, and anyone with even a small grain of sense will know that with the way things are going rapidly, at the moment, that Nigel Farage's REFORM party will be in government by then. Here in the Sussex, there used to be so much lovely countryside, but over the last 10 years this has been covered in housing under the Tories of which only rich people can afford, and the Liebour party, will bulldoze it's way through, against the peoples wishes, and our lovely fields, will soon be covered with concrete. This country cannot afford, or stand another 5 years of this terrible government, with this awful ex lawyer, Starmer in charge either.
posted by AC (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 8:35 AM
I agree bob, the tories are to blame for the Covid outbreak across the world, the Middle East crisis, the war in Ukraine, oh, and by the way, they are also to blame for the empty money box and the black hole the last labour government left behind!! Seriously man, get some help with that indoctrination mate.
posted by MST (Moderator) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 8:51 AM
Take your choice of Atley, Wilson or Blair for worse ever PM. I go for Wilson who bankrupted the country while the other two only ‘almost’ bankrupted us.
posted by Len (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 9:31 AM
No difference between Tories and Labour, they’re all getting their instructions and pay offs from abroad. Not a British patriot to be found among any of them.
posted by Paddy O’Doors (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 1:42 PM
Len, I think you are referring to the late Clem Attlee the wartime deputy Prime Minister of whom Churchill once said to President Truman that Attlee was a modest man “with much to be modest about”. However, this was put down to Churchill’s quick wit rather than his opinion of Attlee who was Churchill greatest ally during the War, even against many of his own party. A brilliant man who led the Labour Party to two victories following the War and realised that a substantial number of his Party were Communists so, tended to excluded them from any sensitive information. When the Atom bomb was being developed by William Penney, immediately after the War, as America was not prepared to share their data, Attlee did not inform members of the Cabinet as he knew that any information would be passed on to Russia. Nothing has changed to the Labour Party today, apart from being led by an idiot as oppose to a brilliant politician politician.
posted by bigboy4650 (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 1:53 PM
MST , re the covid outbreak , if the liar that is Bodger had acted quicker then many lives would have been saved ! Also , he makes Trump look normal ! Party anybody ?
posted by Bob (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 3:08 PM
What do you think you would have done Bob? Really interested to hear where virtually every Government, in every country got it wrong.A convincing answer could mean a new career path for you and title saviour of the world, when your policies are adopted and the next pandemic comes along.
posted by Mortlake - Thursday 30th January 2025, 3:33 PM
I would have acted a lot quicker, but I already said that , please read my post !How anyone supports the Tories is beyond me !
posted by Bob (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 5:04 PM
Bob, Labour or Tory makes not a lot of difference. They’re all piglets sucking the taxpayers dry. They’ve been captured by Davos globalists and will do as they’re told. Lockdowns were an experiment to see how compliant the plebs were and they passed with flying colours. That’s why we’ve hundreds of political prisoners locked up for complaining about the state of the nation.
posted by Paddy O’Doors (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 5:19 PM
Johnson. Starmer no contest BORIS !! Gpfirvsll his faults in charge at one of the most torrid times this country has knows world wars permitting
posted by Ipotombi (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 6:15 PM
As much as I agree with you bob, that Boris is a joke, he did not create Covid and if he’d have locked down sooner, the economy would have dived even deeper than it did!!
posted by MST (Moderator) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 6:19 PM
Could be argued If boris had not put his foot down quite a few more would have died because our euro cousins wanted our vaccines by the way think those covid figures a bit loose Covid related not covid deaths accounted for for some not sure about our euro cousins
posted by Ioitombi (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 6:28 PM
This country will plummet into the dark ages in the t next 4 years unless this wet sap is not kicked out been a disaster he’s not been in five minutes pissedvof the pensioners and the ratepayers and business people residents of of hayes snd Hillingdon will soon be homeless if he gets his plans for airport go through at least mayor khan is against it what a surprise probably worried about losing all that couciltax and euliz payment
posted by Iotombi (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 6:39 PM
Yes tories robbed the pensioners to pay train drivers upset big business putting up rates just for starters hang on ?
posted by Ipitombi (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 6:43 PM
And destroying the NHS !
posted by Bob (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 8:53 PM
NHS is gone. Time to look at European models. Of course they’re too busy sucking on the taxpayers teat to worry about that. You’ve spent £1 million on flights for David Lammy since June. £1 million while little girls are getting sodomised.
posted by Paddy O’Doors (Guest) - Thursday 30th January 2025, 9:16 PM
Bob, let me try to explain. COVID was an unforeseen catastrophe which affected the world. Nobody truly knew what they were doing and were forced to make it up as they went along. Different countries choose different actions, some right(a few) many just the best they could do with their resources. If you look at the final statistics the U.K. for all its size and the travel (which obviously exacerbated the spread) did pretty well in restricting the worse case scenario. Nobody was right nor wrong everyone dealt with the conditions within their countries limited resources . Check it out, the U.K. preformed better than virtually every other developed Society. Stats reported from 3rd world countries are unreliable and should be discounted. That probably also is true of those countries who tend not to accurately report negative stuff. All in all we probably did the best we could.
posted by Mortlake - Friday 31st January 2025, 12:19 PM